Our core curriculum empowers students to think ethically, critically, and creatively about global issues and their local manifestations. With the support and guidance of our renowned faculty, Thaden students develop the skills to build coherent, compelling, and innovative arguments. Through independent and collaborative work, they are encouraged to see connections among the humanities, sciences, and mathematics as integrative disciplines in the search for knowledge, meaning, and beauty.
A Glimpse at Course Offerings
Lower School K-4
Students learn physical science, earth science, life science, and engineering to build a strong foundation of knowledge, skills, and the scientific process. Teachers pose questions for students to explore, to discover patterns, and to construct meaning. We utilize our significant outdoor spaces to ignite wonder and the desire to investigate by observing, measuring, and recording discoveries. Examples of learning units include, “How do plants and animals interact on our campus?” and “How can we use light and sound to communicate with each other?”
Students construct their knowledge through hands-on activities and questioning rather than only memorizing procedures and rules to create deep understandings. Through hands-on activities and paper and pencil tasks, they think like mathematicians and problem solvers. They discover mathematical strategies through strategy talks that support mental math. Teachers administer pre- and post-assessments, so students receive tailored instruction in small-group and whole-group settings. Our math curriculum consists of seven strands: numbers and number sense, operations, partitioning, pattern and function, measurement, shape and space, and statistics and probability.
English Language Arts
Students understand that words convey meaning and that they can both express themselves and learn through reading and writing. Instruction is at the word and sentence level in the early years during which students learn letter-sound correspondence, rhyme, sight words, and conventions of print. Vocabulary, background knowledge, and language structures are taught through read alouds, discussion, and content learning. As the grades progress, students author and read increasingly complex texts. Lessons are ordered and sequential, ensuring that students progress in their learning rapidly and systematically so they are ready to apply these skills in authentic science and social studies units of study.
Social Studies
Students are curious about relationships and people around them. Learning about civics, history, and geography is integrated into learning units. Children learn about themselves, their classmates, and their families, as well as the greater community around them. Place-based education supports students in understanding who they are and where they are from, as well as developing an understanding of different points of view.
Spanish language acquisition in lower school occurs through multiple opportunities to engage with both the structure and function of language. Children will sing songs, read books, engage in dramatic play, and be immersed in cultural learning. Spanish language learning is integrated into interdisciplinary units so children can make connections to other learning.
Outdoor Education
Research shows that children who spend time in nature learning and exploring have better concentration, stronger immune systems, and feel less stress. They are also more likely to become responsible stewards of the natural world. Thaden uses this knowledge to ensure our students reach their fullest potential. Outdoor experiences are interwoven into every day. We leverage the outdoors through five strands: academic inquiry, gardening and sustainability, naturalism, play, and teambuilding and adventure. We use our campus greenspace, gardens, greenhouse, teaching kitchen, and the parks across Northwest Arkansas to provide students access to the natural world.
Middle School 5-8
To view our complete list of the 2024-25 Middle School Offerings follow this link.
Grade 5 - Scientific Exploration
Grade 6 - Scientific Foundations
Grade 7 - Systems and Cycles
Grade 8 - Physical Science and Engineering
Grade 5 - Mathematical Reasoning through Inquiry
Grade 6 - Patterns and Problem Solving
Grade 7 - Pre-Algebra
Grade 8 - Algebra
English -
Grade 5 - English 5
Grade 6 - English 6
Grade 7 - English 7
Grade 8 - English 8
Grade 5 - Global Studies
Grade 6 - Ancient World History
Grade 7 - Human Geography
Grade 8 - American Studies
Grades 5 and 6 - Spanish
Grades 7 and 8 - Spanish, Latin or Mandarin
Grades 5 and 7 - Visual Arts, Theater, and Musical Arts rotation (one per trimester)
Grades 6 and 8 - Meals, Wheels, and Reels rotation (one per trimester)
Physical Education/Wellness
Grades 5 and 6 explore games and sports to understand how and why physical activity is integral to a healthy lifestyle
Grades 7 and 8 choose either Team Sports or Lifetime Fitness
Upper School 9-12
To view our complete list of Upper School Course Offerings follow this link.
To view our complete list of the 2024-25 Upper School Course Offerings follow this link.
Grade 9 - Inquiries in Biological and Environmental Sciences
Grade 10 - Inquiries in Chemical and Physical Science
Grades 11 and 12 - Chemistry II/Environmental Science/ Molecular Genetics/Physics II/Robotics/Anatomy/Psychology
Grade 9 - Geometry
Grade 10 - Algebra II/Accelerated Algebra II with Pre-calculus
Grades 11 and 12 - Pre-calculus/Calculus I/Calculus II/Statistics
Grade 9 - English I: Journeys and Transformations
Grade 10 - English II: Individuals and Communities
Grade 11 - English III: Money and Power/Love and Loss
Grade 12 - English IV: Tragedy or Comedy
Grade 9 - Modern World History
Grade 10 - U.S. Government and Economics
Grade 11 - American History
Grade 12 - Advanced History/Social Science Electives
Grades 9 to 12 - Language Levels I-V
Physical Education/Wellness/OAKS Program
exploring physical, emotional, social and intellectual well-being through traditional
physical education as well as environmental activities such as wilderness skills, fly fishing, rock climbing, archery, and much more
Subject-Specific Electives
Signature Programs - Meals, Reels, Wheels courses
Visual and Performing Arts
Graduation Requirements
Program | Credits | Notes |
English | 4 | The required sequence in Grades 9-12 (English I, II, III, IV) fulfills this four-credit requirement. |
Math and Computer Science | 4 | The required sequence in Grades 9-11 ( Algebra I-II and Geometry) fulfills three credits of this four-credit requirement. Courses taken in Middle School may also count for up to one credit with approval of the Upper School Director. |
History and Social Science | 3 | The required sequence in Grades 9-11 (Modern World History, Government and Economics, U.S. History)
fulfills this three-credit requirement. |
Science | 3 | The required sequence in Grades 9-10 (Inquiries in Biological and Environmental Sciences, Inquiries in Chemical and Physical Sciences) and one additional year-long course fulfills this three-credit requirement. |
World Languages and Cultures | 2 |
Students must study the same language for at least two consecutive years in Upper School. Foreign language study in Middle School may count for up to one credit with approval of the Upper School Head. |
Signature Programs | 2 |
Students may choose elective courses in three areas: Meals, Wheels, and Reels. |
Visual and Performing Arts | 2 |
Students may choose elective courses in three areas: music, theater, and visual arts. Courses in dance will be offered in future years. |
Wellness and Physical Education | 2 |
The Wellness requirement is fulfilled by taking a one-trimester course during Grades 9 and 11. The Physical Education requirement is fulfilled by taking four one-trimester courses (one each year) or by participating on a Thaden Athletics team. |
Additional Courses | 3 |
This requirement may be fulfilled by taking elective courses in any field of study at Thaden School. |
Total | 26 |
To fulfill the total graduation requirements of 26 credits, students must carry a course load averaging 6.5 courses per trimester. Students may take no less than six courses and no more than seven courses during any one trimester. |