The Thaden Arts program promotes creative thinkers and global citizens.
The arts inspire an exploration of ones’ own creative voice and an understanding of the multiple perspectives of others. At Thaden, an integral part of a balanced education includes a sustained study of the arts beginning in Grade 6 and continuing through Upper School. Knowing that the different arts inform one another, we invite our students to explore various opportunities in theater, music, and the visual arts. In the Middle School, students in Grades 6 through 8 rotate through disciplines each trimester focus. Upper School students may continue to explore throughout the introductory Arts elective courses, or they may concentrate on classes directed toward mastery. In the Visual Arts, courses include drawing, painting and ceramics. Music students may choose among voice and chorus classes, and orchestra or modern music ensembles. Students may also pursue acting or stagecraft. These theater classes support our four main stage productions: two in Middle School and two in Upper School. Through extracurricular activities, students are offered additional opportunities to develop their expertise. Performances, music concerts, and visual arts showcases provide students with avenues for sharing their talents within and outside the school community.